Closet Cleaning 101:
Out with the old,In with the New. Isn't that what the New Year defines ?
So,why apply the concept to your closet.Declutter your closet with the help of the flowchart.When was the last time you were able to close your closet door? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Nor should you be: The task of cleaning out your closet solo is near impossible. When you look into your wardrobe, you see all the memories that give life to your clothes; you’re aware of the money you spent on them, and each time you consider extracting a piece, a chorus of “what ifs” sings in your head: What if miniskirts come back? What if I take a trip to Morocco? What if Jake Gyllenhaal asks me out on a date? What if Kristen Stewart invites me to play catch on the beach? It isn't easy to limit your options, or find an advisor you trust who has the patience to take on the task with you.
And so, unless you’re Kim Kardashian West with a closet-cleanse-giddy husband (this week she tweeted that the two were up all night redoing her wardrobe for a “New 2015 vision”), you need this flowchart. It addresses all the excuses you can make for yourself while attempting to edit your wardrobe. All you have to do in return is commit, and try your best to be honest.
I remember my best friend was asking me lend her a dress and I was like "go ahead" . It wasn't until she opened the door .... clothes packed(yes!) in a tight ball hit her smack right in her face.Well,as you can imagine I couldn't really hold back my laughter at the time .Anyhow,she accused me of being a hoarder(S.A. -shopaholics anonymous kind) and went on a mission of decluttering my wardrobe.After two days of whining,nail-biting,receiving onslaughts of her wrath,I finally got rid of my les déchets.
Try it out for yourself, or bring it along when a friend asks you to be a wardrobe-trimming voice of reason—just remember what Kanye told Kim when they cleaned out her closet on Keeping Up With the Kardashians in 2012: “Sometimes silence is the best response.” Now toss it on the pile.
Comments ,folks ?
So,why apply the concept to your closet.Declutter your closet with the help of the flowchart.When was the last time you were able to close your closet door? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Nor should you be: The task of cleaning out your closet solo is near impossible. When you look into your wardrobe, you see all the memories that give life to your clothes; you’re aware of the money you spent on them, and each time you consider extracting a piece, a chorus of “what ifs” sings in your head: What if miniskirts come back? What if I take a trip to Morocco? What if Jake Gyllenhaal asks me out on a date? What if Kristen Stewart invites me to play catch on the beach? It isn't easy to limit your options, or find an advisor you trust who has the patience to take on the task with you.